Knowledge Center


How many gallons are in my pond?

The easiest way to estimate the gallons in a pond is to use the following fomula(s):

For a square pond
Length x Width X Average Depth x 7.48 = Gallons in pond
For a circular pond
Length x Width X Average Depth x 7.48 x .75 = Gallons in pond

What does EPDM stand for?

Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer
EPDM stands for the chemical makeup of the rubber

If my waterfall is 2 feet wide, how big of a pump do I need? 

For every foot of width in a waterfall, 1000 GPH (gallons per hour) will give you .25 of an inch of water over the spillway.

How deep should I make my pond?

For fish, at least 4 feet deep. Healthy fish like to move up and down as well as side to side. Check your local fence requirements (building codes) and freeze line depth. For water gardens the pond can be 18" and deeper.

What size pump do I need?

You should have a pump that will turn your ponds water over at least once every two hours. If you have a waterfall that requires a larger pump, then you would size accordingly.

Do I need to use underlayment?

Yes. In order to get the lifetime warranty on our liner a 6 oz. geo must be used underneath the liner.

Can I have a water garden and a Koi Pond?

Yes, Koi do not have to be raised in thoroughly clean tanks. They are raised in mud ponds in Japan.

What size pipe should I use for my pump?

  •     .5" pipe <   300 GPH
  •   .75" pipe <   720 GPH
  •     1" pipe < 1,200 GPH
  • 1.25" pipe < 1,600 GPH
  •   1.5" pipe < 2,600 GPH
  •     2" pipe < 4,800 GPH
  •     3" pipe < 9,000 GPH

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